Best Paying College Degrees

If you’re going to go to college and likely rack up debt you’ll get to enjoy for years to come, you might as well pick a major that pays well after graduation. The Economic Research Bureau just reported the top 15 best paying college degrees.  

1. Economics (average hourly pay: $43.15)

2. Electrical Engineering (average hourly pay: $41.61)

3. Mechanical Engineering (average hourly pay: $40.43)

4. Finance (average hourly pay: $38.21)

5. Mathematics (average hourly pay: $37.36)

6. Accounting (average hourly pay: $36.88)

7. Computers and IT (average hourly pay: $35.83)

8. Political Science (average hourly pay: $33.32)

9. Marketing (average hourly pay: $32.90)

10. Business Management and Administration (average hourly pay: $31.56)

11. Nursing (average hourly pay: $31.12)

12. History (average hourly pay: $29.52)

13. Communications (average hourly pay: $28.17)

14. Biological Science (average hourly pay: $27.26)

15. Letters (average hourly pay: $27.41)

So there you have it, either learn to use a calculator or learn to take one apart and put it back together and you’ll be fine.  

Source: Top 15 Best Paying College Degrees

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About Andrew Thrasher

Andrew Thrasher is a Portfolio Manager for an asset management firm in Central Indiana. He specializes and writes about technical analysis as well as macro economic developments.