One Year Blog Anniversary

Well it’s been one year since I started writing this blog. It’s likely one of the best things I’ve done professionally, as I’ve been able to put down my thoughts and opinions and have a clearer understanding of my outlook on the universe capital markets.

When I first started blogging I had no idea what I was doing. I have no coding or computer programing experience, I noticed a lot of bloggers used WordPress so I opened up an account. I originally started writing at, but after getting some wise advise from Phil Pearlman I switched over to and haven’t looked back.

I feel I’ve grown tremendously in my never-ending education of the markets. My understanding of technical analysis principles and application has expanded ten fold in the last twelve months. I attribute a portion of this to my near-daily writing and forcing myself to look at things differently – in part to have something interesting to write about but also to challenge myself to improve in my research.

Twitter and StockTwits have also been a huge part of what’s made me a better trader and analyst. These two social media tools have been more beneficial than anything I’ve ever come across in devouring information. While my main focus started as just a leach on the teat of successful traders and bloggers, I know communicate with economists, traders, and other bloggers sharing information daily. The connections and relationships I’ve built up over the last year have helped change the way I view the economy and the markets.

It’s been great to see the number of page views grow and I enjoy the feedback I get from readers. To be able to share my outlook and thoughts on stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies has been great. I look forward to writing and sharing over the next year and further developing relationships with many of you.

Based on what the futures are doing this morning, it appears crude is bouncing higher, keeping the above mentioned support in tact. If the deflationary winds continue then the COT data may be right and oil could end up testing the 2012 low. We’ll see what happens.

Disclaimer: Do not construe anything written in this post or this blog in its entirety as a recommendation, research, or an offer to buy or sell any securities. Everything in this post is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only. I or my affiliates may hold positions in securities mentioned in the blog. Please see my Disclosure page for full disclaimer. Connect with Andrew on Google+.

About Andrew Thrasher, CMT

Andrew Thrasher, CMT is a Portfolio Manager for Financial Enhancement Group, LLC, an asset management firm in Central Indiana and founder of Thrasher Analytics, an independent financial market research firm. He specializes in technical analysis as well as macro economic developments.

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